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DEMOSTRACIÓN DÍA - Tecnologías para la caracterización del sitio y remediación





Instructores y Temas del Curso

Miércoles, 5 de junio 2019

Programa del día (AM):

High Resolution Site Characterization
Perspectiva general de la evaluación de riesgos humanos y ecológicos
Salud y seguridad en zonas de residuos peligrosos
Almuerzo networking (incluido con el curso)
Demostraciones al aire libre de la tecnología y técnicas para sitios contaminados

Ben Sweet is the technical lead for SCG Industries’ high-resolution site characterization tools and services. He has completed his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Acadia University and a Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick. Ben is a key member of SCG team playing a major role in research & development, remedial action planning, pilot testing, technical design, and contaminated site data interpretation.
In these roles he has completed numerous projects across North America, conducting both large and small scale remediation projects and high resolution site characterization investigations. Ben strives to ensure SCG’s clients are equipped with the latest innovative technologies and strategies to help cost-effectively address their environmental liabilities. Ben has presented at numerous conferences and been involved in technical workshops for both government and private organizations. Mr.Sweet will lecture on high-resolution site characterization tools and techniques.

Elliot Sigal, B.Sc., QPRA is the President of Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc. and Intrinsik Health Sciences Inc. Mr. Sigal graduated with an Honours B.Sc. in Toxicology from the University of Toronto in 1988 and has over 25 years of experience in toxicology, human health and ecological risk assessment, and risk communication. Mr. Sigal has been responsible for leading risk assessment teams in determination of potential for exposure of and risk to receptors associated with complex contaminated sites, mining/smelting facilities, military base closures, underground storage tanks, incinerator/WTE emissions, landfill sites, consumer products and industrial processes. He has overseen and contributed to hundreds of risk assessments. Mr. Sigal's lecture will provide an introduction to the underlying concepts and general approaches for Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA). Participants of this lecture will gain an understanding of the role of HERA in contaminated site assessment and remediation, basic components of HERA, complexity of planning a HERA, identifying HERA objectives, basic approaches to toxicity and exposure assessments, receptor and risk characterization, and dealing with uncertainty in HERA.

Logan Barrett manages Accuworx’s Emergency Services division. Specializing in high hazard chemical releases and containment. Logan has extensive training in chemical fire-fighting, hazardous materials response, railway emergency response, clandestine lab mitigation, chemical security and crude oil releases. Logan has been contracted by various agencies across Canada to teach hazardous materials and emergency response techniques. With the ability to design structured curriculum and industry specific lesson plans Logan’s course content has proven to be extremely effective when applied to field scenarios. With over 2000 deployments Logan has developed his reputation on an international scale for quick, efficient, and safe responses. Mr. Barrett will be discussing and demonstrating occupational health and safety issues for contaminated and hazardous waste sites.

Las demostraciones al aire libre de las tecnologías para la caracterización y remediación de sitios se llevarán a cabo en un lugar cerca del hotel de 12:30 p.m. a 4:30 p.m. Se demostrarán a gran escala las tecnologías para la remediación de suelos y aguas subterráneas, así como equipo de análisis y muestreo, geofísico y de perforación. La temperatura a principios de junio en Toronto varía entre los 10 y 22 °C. Los asistentes deberán vestir ropa adecuada, como traje de lluvia, ropa informal de trabajo y buenos zapatos para caminar. Se permiten cámaras y videocámaras.

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